What Optimism Mean To Me Essay

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Hopeless, a mistake, fear, angry, sad, and depression are some words you had used or someone used to describe you at a time in your life. Courageous, unique, beautiful, smart, bold, animated, and joy may be another. Although they are two whole different set of words—one negative and the other positive—they also have some similarities. There may be some of the darkest days in your life, when you want to give up and forget everything and would lower your head in discouragement, but as Ralph Waldo Emerson had once said, “When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.” To me, those billions and millions of stars that freckled the night sky are like little pieces of hope, scattered all around, shining brighter than everything else on the darkest nights and there, when you need it.
This is what I believe optimism should be a priority means. Without it, you may never move on, …show more content…

Why live your time on Earth full of pain and misery when you can have the best time? Why live a life where you dread each day? The path you choose is really important. You can live in one, full of failures and regrets or one where you succeed, but proud that you tried if you fail. It can be short, but full of meaning or short and meeting forlorn every corner you turn. Other people can influence or persuade you in which one you should choose, but they aren’t the one that makes that decision; you are. Don’t let them lead you to the wrong path.
A reason I consider that optimism should be a priority in view of the fact that soon I will be the one living in what I now call “my future”. I would want success in the world where I live in and would want to make it a better place for others as well. “My future” can influence other people’s futures as well. When “my future” pass by, there will be a new “my future” ahead of me where what concern me now as a kid will be different from what I will be worrying about when I am grown

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