What Makes a Heroine in Julia Alvarez's In the Time of the Butterflies

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What make's a heroine
Every heroine needs something to fight for, something to get up for, and finally something to live for. Minerva, one of the four sisters in the novel, In the time of the
Butterflies, shows her heroine qualities. Some of these qualities are courage,fearlessness, and the most important love. Minerva is a heroine because she was willing to give up everything and pay the ultimate sacrifice for what she believed and showed courage,fearlessness, and love.
Courage is one quality every heroine is born with, whether they use it actively or not. Minerva said, “Papa,"I informed him,“you might as well get used to it. In a few years, we're all going to marry and leave you." ( Alvarez 12). Although the other sisters were afraid to ask their father about going to school Minerva was not. Maria Teresa wrote, Manalo and Minerva have explained everything. A national underground is forming, (Alvarez 93). Although Maria Teresa has already seen the crate of ammunition,
Minerva still explains what she is part of and what she is doing. Minerva said, one time, I stopped at the side of t...

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