What Is The Tone Of How I Met My Husband

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The story of Alice Munro "How I met My Husband" is an interesting story told in first person tone and explores in depth the character of Edie who is a hired girl working for Mrs. Peeble. The narrator’s interaction with Chris Watters, who works as a pilot and engaged to Alice Kelling, led her to fall in love with him and hopes that one day she will get married to him,. However, this never comes to happen when Chris leaves that place and fails to fulfill the promise of writing to her making her to end up getting married to the mail carrier. The background of Edie, Chris Watters and Alice Keeling as its portrayed in the story highly affects their behavior and their actions towards one another. From this story, one is able to see that the background of these three characters in the story affects them and has a greater percentage on the way they act and behave towards one another. The background of a person makes him or her to behave and act in a certain way towards others. This is evident in the case …show more content…

For instance, Edie was comfortable in bathing once per week since she was used to do so in village. “I had a bath once a week” (27). In addition, her background ensured that she was full all the time and thus working at Mrs. Peebles house was that she would sometimes get hungry. This made her to find way out to fight the hunger. “I used to bring back a box of doughnuts out at home…” (24). Elsewhere in the story, she never hesitated to smoke a cigarette when she was given one by Chris Watters because she had already smoked when she was in her village. “It was not the first time I smoked a cigarette, my girlfriend out home used to steal some from his brother… (55). In conclusion, it is clear from her behavior that her background affected her a lot in the way she

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