What Is The Relationship Between The Great Gatsby And Daisy Buchanan

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The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald focuses on the love and romance of two of the main characters, Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan. In the novel, Jay Gatsby takes initiative to reunite with his lost love of his younger days. There is only one problem; Daisy Buchanan is now married to a man that constantly cheats and deceives her, Tom Buchanan. This is seen by Jay Gatsby as an obstacle that can be overcome and he does everything in his power to reclaim is childhood love. This brings up the question, is Gatsby a romantic hero that is trying to save Daisy from the pain and suffering that she has to endure on a consistent basis or is Gatsby making a mistake by fighting for a love that will never be? The text strongly supports Gatsby’s image as …show more content…

That would all change when Gatsby pulls Jordan Baker aside at one of his lavish parties. Gatsby then tells Jordan of a plan that he has to reunite with Daisy Buchanan. Jordan then shares this plan with Daisy’s cousin Nick Carraway, which is Gatsby’s neighbor and friend. Nick would accept to take part in the Gatsby’s plan, to invite Daisy over for tea. Before having Daisy over for tea, Gatsby insists on getting Nick’s grass cut and having florists decorate Nick’s house with different assortments of flowers in order to impress Daisy. When Daisy first sees Gatsby after arriving, she is stunned and is a lot for words. Gatsby then attempts to break the silence. This is seen when Fitzgerald wright’s “we’ve met before”, muttered Gatsby. His eyes glanced momentarily at me, and his lips parted with abortive attempted at a laugh.” (pg. 87) This quote shows the nervousness in Gatsby when seeing Daisy for the first time in five years. This “chance” meeting between Daisy and Gatsby will end up setting the stage for the lengths that Gatsby will go to be in contact with …show more content…

Gatsby insist that Daisy tells the truth to Tom, by saying that she was never in love with him. When Daisy is reluctant to tell Tom the truth in fear of what may happen to her, Gatsby takes it upon himself to get the truth out. That way Daisy will have nothing to fear. This can be seen when Fitzgerald writes “ Your wife doesn’t love you,” said Gatsby, “ she's never loved you. She loves me.” (pg. 131) This quote shows that Gatsby is now ready to stick his neck out for the women that he loves. This quote is a turning point in the book. Now it is clear that Gatsby is willing to take any step that is necessary for being with Daisy. Even if that means tearing apart the marriage of Tom and Daisy Buchanan. Also this is the point of no return for Gatsby. This is the time in the book when Gatsby could triumph and finally win over daisy or be burnt to the ground. Burnt to the ground is the path that Gatsby's crusade would take. Daisy would then reveal to Gatsby that she in fact did love Tom at one time. This would be crushing to

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