What Is The Mood Of The Holy Sonnet Xiv By John Donne

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In the Holy Sonnet XIV, John Donne use the exaggerated descriptions to display his tough attitude and faithfulness for God. Also, these words make the sonnet become more inspiring. In the Holy Sonnet XIV, John Donne describes his relationship with God. He uses the strong words to show his tough attitudes. He requests that God batter his heart more powerfully. He thinks that God just knock his heart and without hard strength. God only knocked but he thinks that it is not enough. He hopes that God use force to help him and save him. He uses “enthrall” to shows his “desire”. His “desire” is be saved by God and keep the relationship with God forever. He uses the strong word to display that he long to be “chaste” by God desperately. After “enthrall”,

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