What Is The Joint Mission Of The Holy Spirit

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Throughout scripture we see two persons of the Trinity sending forth the third. We see this occur when God is made manifest to humanity. It seems there is a formula for how God crosses the time/space threshold.
When the Word of God was made flesh at the Annunciation, the “coming upon Mary” is the Holy Spirit and the “overshadowing of Mary” is the Father who wills the Incarnation to this point in time and space for the purpose and goal of creation. It is the will of the Father and the action of the Spirit that sends the Son. Likewise, the joint mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the New Covenant, finally makes God accessible as Father to believers. In a third example, we see that Jesus promises to send a helper after he goes away: …show more content…

John 16:7 In the second verse, Jesus makes a point of saying that the Holy Spirit (Counselor) will not come until he goes away. In order to send forth the Spirit, the Son must leave the temporal existence on earth and return to the infinite and timeless. There, together with the Father, he will send the Holy Spirit. The Catechism of the Catholic Church beautifully clarifies this. Jesus is Christ, "anointed," because the Spirit is his anointing, and everything that occurs from the Incarnation on derives from this fullness. When Christ is finally glorified, he can in turn send the Spirit from his place with the Father to those who believe in him: he communicates to them his glory, that is, the Holy Spirit who glorifies him. From that time on, this joint mission will be manifested in the children adopted by the Father in the Body of his Son: the mission of the Spirit of adoption is to unite them to Christ and make them live in him: Catechism of the Catholic Church

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