What Is The Difference Between Speak By Laurie Halse Anderson

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I’m reading Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson. Normally I don’t like to read a all, but this book is making it more fun to read. Whenever I pick it up I just keep on going. This is like one of the only books I can actually get into. It’s about a girl named Melinda, and she is a freshman starting school just like me. When she gets to school she has no friends because all of her old friends are still mad at her from last year. The author still has not said why all of her friends hate her. She feels like an outcast and is that one girl who has no friends to sit by at lunch or anywhere else. But, she found one other girl who is alone to and she calls the other girl a wounded zebra. They will probably end up becoming friends. So, I can kinda relate

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