What Is The Connection Between Fahrenheit 451 And Our Society

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Ray Bradbury’s science fiction novel, Fahrenheit 451, suggests a world in which society is stripped from literature and logical thinking. Instead, the society he describes in the book revolves around the advancement in technology that causes destruction and conflict. The inspiration of this novel was during the beginning of the television age, in 1953, sparking a dystopian world where society revolved around television and books are unseen. Though it was written over fifty years ago, there are various similarities between the novel and our society today.
In Bradbury’s society, books are burned, houses are “fireproof,” and the firemen act as the police. With advanced technology encircling the people, it is involved in every aspect of their life. The need for more advances in technology turns into a consequence that causes conflict and confusion among the citizens. …show more content…

Such as the society in Fahrenheit 451, modern communication revolves around new technological advances for the benefits of themselves; whether it be improvements in more accurate and precise research, security, or quality entertainment. In the novel, Mildred’s fascination over television and The Family resembles how much our society is so obsessed with new and improved TV systems and the millions of shows they have access to.
Mildred is a perfect example of how many people in our society act today. She becomes drawn into and immersed into a world of technology and forgets her feelings and changes her perspectives of the things around her. Not only her actions, but also her appearance is a very good representation of today’s society. As explained in the novel, Mildred embodies artificial beauty with her pale white skin and chemically dyed hair. In today’s society, a standardized perception is very common among many women. All of these aspects lead to her drug overdose and attempted

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