What Is The Conflict In The Strange Case Of Dr. Jeyll And Mr. Hyde

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The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde shares many of the same ideas and characteristics with The Incredible Hulk comics and the same can be said about Two-Face from the Batman comics and Satan from Satan’s Fall. The main conflict of the novel The Strange of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde mainly focuses on the scientist Dr. Jekyll and his evil side known as Mr. Hyde who he transforms into. Jekyll has difficulty trying to resist from turning into Mr. Hyde who pressures Jekyll into transforming. The Incredible Hulk comics overall conflict is Bruce Banner trying to live alongside and contain the threat of the hulk. The four characters have many key characteristics they share. Jekyll and Banner are trying to get rid of their counterpart or control them. Jekyll and Banner both do not like their counterpart as Jekyll. Banner …show more content…

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde novel. In an interview with the original writer and creator of the incredible hulk comics Stan Lee he says “I remember one of favorites Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I wanted a man who can turn into a monster and have both dislike one another”. This is why the hulk and Banner share the same overall conflict and characteristics with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Jekyll and Hyde also helped Bob Kane the writer of the Batman comics create two-face after seeing the 1931 movie of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. While Satan’s fall didn’t make a big contribution to creating two-face or the incredible hulk the two of them still share many characteristics and ideas in common. Even though comic books and literature are two very different pieces of writing the two genres have much in common when it comes to plot and character development. This in seen in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and the hulk comics and as well as Satan’s and two-face from the Batman

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