What Is The Conflict In The Giver

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The book the giver is about a boy named Jonas that is trying to find the meaning of everything and why things are the way they are in his society.The in the main character Jonas is going to turn a twelve in a couple of days. Joans is different than the other people in his community, he can see beyond what other people can see. In jonas’s community people take pills every day to get rid of their emotions, ability to see color, and their individuality. The reason that they take away all of these things away from the citizens is because they think that being different can lead to conflict. On the day that Jonas turns a twele he is chose to be the giver which is a very important job, the giver's job is to hold onto all of the memories of the past. The memories of the past are the memories of our world today the memories of when people could see color, when they could dance, and had emotions towards each other. On Jonas first day of being giver he has been given the memory of snow and sledding down a …show more content…

Jonas and the giver come up with a plan to get jonas to go over the boundary of memories and bring them back into the community so that everyone can experience the joy and happiness of the past and make it the present. I think that the book really can relate to society today because our world is cayotic and dysfunctional. We tend to focus on only our country instead of others. We judge people and discriminate people just because of gender, the color of their skin,or even just because of their sexually interest. In the book they explain how they want everyone to be the same because it can cause conflict and dysfunction in the society and I think that in our world today being different can cause dysfunction in our society and it has before we have discriminated, murdered and had conflict for more than 200 years just over the difference between

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