What Is The Ambition Of Lady Macbeth

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Ambition took a hold of Macbeth, so much that he was willing to hurt anyone in his quest to power, without thinking of the consequences of his action. At the beginning of the play Macbeth is seen as a “brave” (I, ii, 18) and “worthy” (I, ii, 26) general, who a loyal subject of the king. Macbeth gives his loyalty and respect towards Duncan, because he believes that “The rest is labor which is not used for you” (I, iv, 50). This was his strong belief until the witches gives him the prophecy and the opportunity to become king of Scotland. Lady Macbeth made herself the voice of this ambition by justifying it and so, in a way she represents Macbeth’s own desire to have “solely sovereign sway and masterdom” (I, v, 77). When he acted upon this ambition

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