What Is Physical Theatre?

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Café muller would be a perfect example of physical theatre, throughout this piece the main focus is on the performer and the story they are telling through their movements and physicality’s. Physical theatre can be shown through mime or dance because it is more about the body language than anything else, voice can also be used but that’s not the main focus. “Our bodies are the reflections of our lives: sitting, walking, standing, we absorb the impact of each day. Each thought and sensation makes changes in the body” (Tufnell and Crickmay, 2014). Pina Baush is well known for making her productions based on real life experiences, she made sure that her performers could truly experience the emotions before they performed and from this she started …show more content…

Imagery is shown throughout the production but not by lights or background changes purely through the performer’s body language and physique, the shapes which are being made create an emotional story and for the audience we can see the performer’s pain through their body instead of their facial expressions. “Physically, all emotion is caused by some kind of force. But what counts for artistic performance is the dynamics conveyed to the audience visually: for dynamics alone are responsible for expression and meaning”(Google Books, 2017). The costumes that Pina chose also have a big impact on the production because she has the women in light soft velvet outfits which in my eyes represent purity and beauty, which gives the audience more of a discomforting feel when they start breaking down within themselves. I feel that Pina made this decision based on the women she had in her performance because throughout we see the performers clothes disrobe and skin is then shown however the character does not seem concerned. The performance does have a feminiem feel to it even though most of the emotions and movements seem masculine. By putting the light pastel colours in the production it tends to give off a more positive vibe and adds feminiety in comparison to the dull …show more content…

She got down to the grit of it, and it’s not always a sympathetic or positive look at that relationship. I think that’s also something of her heritage — she placed the women at the forefront; the men are there but they feel slightly subservient. Even though they are sometimes cruel to the women, the women win through. They’re so glamorous and strong” (Evening Standard, 2017). Pina looked at every individual as equal she did not differentiate between gender and race, she focused on the person for who they were and what emotional experiences that had felt throughout their life. Based on that information she would make them get in touch with their inner feelings and see if they could portray the exact emotion they felt during their

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