What Is It Tinnitus: What Is The Tinitus?

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What is it Tinnitus?

Tinnitus (medical term) or buzzing in the ear is the subjective presence of sound in one or both ears. Ringing in the ear may be temporarily or permanently. Patients describe it as a sizzling, hissing, whistling, drumming, pinking. . . and can vary in intensity.
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Ringing in the ear is very often. Most studies show a prevalence in the adult population ranges from 10 to 15%, with a higher prevalence in older age (between 60 and 70 years of age). There is no gender difference in the prevalence of the humming.

The most common form of buzzing in the ear is subjective tinnitus, that is, the sound in the ear that other people do not hear. Objective tinnitus is a sound that can be heard and the person …show more content…

Stir well and leave all night. In the morning, once again stir well and drink ... The process is repeated for 21 days, during this treatment,avoid pork, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

Tincture of arnica against tinnitus

In ancient times as a remedy for the rustling in the ears, we advised the barefoot walking on clover.As soon as you notice that tinnitus occurred, drizzle with 2 to 3 drops of arnica and close the ear with cotton wool. It also recommended to vaporized your ears with flowers from the mallow.

Eat healthy, eat minerals, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese.

The lack of manganese can cause deafness, dizziness and noise in the ears, a magnesium deficiency - twitching nerves and sensitivity to noise.Improvement and changes in diet, reducing stress and physical activity positive act against tinnitus.

Stress causes increased secretion of adrenaline; It narrows blood vessels and slows the discharge of waste products from the body.Fatigue worsens the problem.Lie down in the evening and getting up in the morning on time.Take the B group vitamins, B 12 and niacin, if there is no improvement after two weeks, increase the intake of niacin. Take vitamin therapy only under medical

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