What Is Hannibal Lector's Diagnosis

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After reviewing the movie “Silence of the Lambs”, directed by Jonathan Demme, making a profile of one of the main characters Dr. Hannibal Lector was fairly easy. This character is present thorough throughout the film and showed depth and complexity, helping develop a genuine psychological profile. Dr. Hannibal Lector from the move “Silence of the Lambs,” has Antisocial Personality Disorder, he fits all diagnostic criteria for the disorder and we can see great development through his lifetime. Throughout the film, Dr. Lector demonstrates all of the diagnostic criteria for antisocial personality disorder. _________ Defines this disorder as “a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others” (pg.400). The first criteria …show more content…

Dr. Lector does not rationalize at any time with his own behavior; he talks arrogantly about how it does not need rationalization. He routinely instills fear into people. For example, when handed the questionnaire from Agent Sterling he replies with “The last time somebody tried to dissect me, Miss Sterling, I ate his liver with his kidneys and some fava beans.” At no time during this scene does he seem disappointed in himself; instead he consistently smiles and laughs when speaking. Finally when looking at this character he makes no effort to minimize his actions. He feels his criminal actions are like a masterpiece, elaborate, creative and well planned out. Rather than leaving the body after taking the police officers life, he disembowels him and hangs him up the wall just to show off his actions. He also shows this mans body in symbolism looking like Jesus or an Angel. His twisted mind also creates an artistic flair. Dr. Lector shows a lack of empathy to the individuals he inflicted pain upon. When developing a theory about how this character developed this disorder, it is evident in biological, psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and sociocultural

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