What Is Descartes Proposal And How Did His Scholastic Education

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What was Descartes’ proposal, and how did his Scholastic education influence it?
Descartes proposal states hypothesizes that the world was once chaos and came to being in a very different form than it is today. It has passed through various stages, and the only permanent elements are the laws God established. These laws caused it to gradually evolve into its current form. Descartes proposal is, in part, a reaction against his scholastic education, which disappointed him. It is a reaction against the traditional Christian and scriptural understanding of the manner in which God created the world and has sustained it. Nevertheless, his conclusions also reflect his Scholastic education, maintaining the transcendence of God and the supremacy of Divine Law.
12. How is skepticism important to Cartesian philosophy? …show more content…

Descartes sought to defeat and overcome skepticism by beginning with it and working through it. Descartes begins by doubting everything, including God, evidence and logic. He then falls back on the guarantee of personal existence, which can be known by the fact that one thinks. This gives rise to his famous “I think therefore I am claim,” and everything else is built off of that.
13. Can the Evil Genius refute the cogito? Is there any way to “refute” the cogito?
The Evil Genius theory gives rise to serious doubt, but does not refute the cogito. Even if the Evil Genius has created man with flawed cognition, the fact that he has created him with cognition remains, and it is the cognition that enables one to say “I think therefore I am.” Nothing is able to refute the cogito. While something may exist without thinking, there is nothing that can think without existing, because the very presence of thought is in itself an existence.
14. How did Descartes answer the materialists’ rejection of free

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