What I Learned From Mount Everest Lessons

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What I Learned From Mount Everest “Do it! Do it!” Alex and Jessica yelled. I gulped and looked down at the tall hill, wondering if I would get hurt. 5 minutes before that, my mom dropped me off at Alexandra’s house. “Have a fun day sweetie!” she said, waving, and drove off to her party, which was why I was staying with Alex and Jessica for the next 6 hours. Jessica was Alex’s friend, but I knew her pretty well since we were in the same 3rd grade class and sat next to each other. We sat down on the carpet and talked, until Alex’s mom, Mrs. Baker, I’ll call her (names have been changed to protect the guilty), came into the kitchen. “Hi Delphine!” Mrs. Baker said cheerfully, and then turned to Alexa. “I am going to my yoga class, so I want …show more content…

I lived (and still do!) in a cul-de-sac, and everyone said that the hill the road comes down into my cul de sac was a mountain. They were always amazed about how I could fearlessly scooter down the mountain. I suppose I could have been called “the scooter master” but I was very modest about my skills. “Woohoo! I’m the best scooterer in the world!” I shouted on the top of my lungs as I jumped from the pavement to the sidewalk. Jessica was still watching me scooter, wide-eyed that I wasn’t screaming in pain from pedaling with my bare foot on the concrete road. Alex stopped scootering and pointed to the hill. My eyes grew huge. If my street was a mountain, Mr. Woods’s driveway was Mount Everest. I was surprised that it was even possible to drive a car up there. Jessica looked surprised too, and I was starting to wonder if she actually knew what Mr. Woods’s driveway looked like or if she just joined in with Alex’s burst of excitement faster than I did. “What are you waiting for? Come on slowpokes!” Alex said, halfway up the hill. Jessica and I exchanged panicked looks but ran up the hill following Alex’s …show more content…

“Are you kidding me?” Alex yelled back. “I am not going to let her see this.” Alex and Jessica dragged me, and my now-battered scooter back to Alex’s house until I was in her room. I was didn’t realize that I was screaming until Alex told me to shut up, which I replied to with a whimper. “Jessica! Grab me toilet paper and tape!” Jessica ran into the bathroom and came out with five rolls of toilet paper and tape. Ten minutes later, I was covered in toilet paper taped to my bloodied arms, and the girls would just tape more on when it bled through. Alex had made me change into one of her long-sleeved shirts so nobody could notice that my arms looked like someone had put a cheese-grater against them. Alex was kind enough to tell her mom that we were going to watch movies, so I could lie on the bed and have Jessica continue to tape toilet paper to my arms. After what seemed like eternity, my mom finally came to pick me up. “Delphine, why are you wearing a different shirt?” she asked, frowning. Jessica and Alex shared panicked glances with each other. “We had a water gun fight.” I replied, with my best I’m-not-bleeding-out face I could put on. I could feel Jessica and Alex’s relief. My mom nodded and I got in the car and waved goodbye to my

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