What Happens When Elijah Is Scared To Talk About The Grandmother?

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PER REPORTER: Elijah is scared to talk around the grandmother. A social worker has gone out to the home before but he is scared to talk around the grandmother. The reporter is requesting that someone go to the school and talk to him. According to the reporter, they are threatening him. The grandmother bruised his left arm pass the elbow. Elijah has old scratches on his left arm. There are new scratches on the right side of his neck. The reporter put Neosporin on his neck. The scratches are deep on his neck; his neck needs medical attention. The reporter has pictures. There was bleeding. The reporter saw Elijah on yesterday. He said the grandmother snatched and pulled on him by the neck and grabbed him out of the car. She made him walk with her from Hwy 80 to …show more content…

The paternal grandmother came to court and said she would help care for Elijah. Elijah has been with the father since November 1, 2016. Initially, the reporter was okay with the father having Elijah. The reporter doesn't believe Elijah is safe in the home. Dad is putting the child in harm's way because he is letting things happen. Dad is aware of what the grandmother did. Dad said he had to move out of the home because of what the paternal grandmother did to Elijah's neck but he hasn't moved. There was incident last year where they moved to Texas. During Hurricane Harvey, dad left Elijah in Texas with family members but he ran to Mississippi. The child wasn't harmed or hurt. There was no line of communication and they couldn't locate Elijah but they did find him. The reporter didn't ask the father why he left Elijah. The father is not the kind of person you can talk to. He is disrespectful and he will curse you out. There is court order that states dad is supposed to keep Stella up to date on his phone number and address but he has changed his number. Stella has visitation every other weekend, one month during the summer, and

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