What Does Yorick's Skull Symbolize In Hamlet

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In plays and in most novels, symbolism and imagery scatter the pages, hinting and disclosing information just by mentioning a single object. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is no exception to this phenomenon. There is without a doubt several uses of imagery and symbolism distributed throughout its many acts and scenes, displaying the relationships among characters, their philosophies, and their personalities. Each one of these symbols and uses of imagery are what enable the play to be widely recognized by the mention of a simple item or entity. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, imagery and symbolism are used as ways to express important events or represent important information that can foreshadow future events, or depict certain characters within the …show more content…

Alone, these three items reveal crucial traits, relationships, and ideas within the play that would not have been effectively expressed without them. Ophelia’s flowers each represent a character and how they have been affected by certain incidences in the play and who is affected by them, as well as certain relationships and how they have gone sour. Yorick’s skull is used to represent the philosophies of death and an obsession with death. Hamlet’s black clothing is used to represent how physical attire can denote a person’s state of mind, and to give a glimpse into what life was like in Shakespeare’s time. Nevertheless, the symbols and imagery used in Shakespeare’s Hamlet hold important information pertaining to the various characters and relationships within the play, creating an established work of …show more content…

In her hands, she held seven different varieties of flowers: fennel, rosemary, pansies, rue, daises, violets, and columbines. Through the gifting the flowers to each main character, it gives a brief overview of the traits of the dramatis personae and notable events that have taken place within the play. Because Ophelia withheld certain names of who she gifted the flowers to, the meanings of the flowers give hints to who she would have gifted them to. However, some flowers hold a higher significance than others. For this reason, only fennel, rosemary, and daises absorb the true nature and purpose of the

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