What Does The Star Of Life Mean To Me Essay

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History of EMS, the Star of Life and What our symbol means to me…
As I sit here about to type this paper on the history of EMS, the Star of Life and what our symbol means to me… I think about all those before me, that chose this profession and how our individual histories in EMS, have made us the profession we are today. We are still defining ourselves and making a mark on our communities and the medical field alike.
The phrase, emergency medical services, did not exist as a familiar expression defining a specific application of medical care prior to the 1960s. Generally, it now means the provision of medical care by specially trained and authorized personnel to the suddenly ill or injured prior to, and in the absence of, a hospital setting. Contemporarily, it refers to anyone of a variety of clinically different levels of medical care, provided to those who become unexpectedly incapacitated, whether from a chronic or acute illness or injury.
I could write about how Modern EMS is considered to have started with Jean Dominique Larrey, Napoleon’s chief …show more content…

Through the years, we have been taught that the blue “Star of Life” symbol was designed for NHTSA in response to the need for a uniform symbol representing the emergency medical services system. The serpent and staff in the symbol portray the staff of Asclepius, an ancient Greek physician deified as the god of medicine. The staff represents medicine and healing, with the skin-shedding serpent being indicative of renewal. This could be true but, I too think the most appropriate and significant reference to the serpent on a staff associated with healing is found in the book of Numbers, chapter 21 and verses 6-9. To me the verses here in Numbers and their foreshadowing of the verse in John 3:14 and 15 are the true meaning of the Star of Life, please read with me the

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