What Does The Gospel Mean To Me

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What is the Gospel? To me, the Gospel is everything in our lives. It is everything there ever is and ever will be. The Gospel is the lord teaching and helping us all the time. To me, the Gospel is Jesus’ record of his life and everything that happened during that period. We all need to know what the Gospel is and believe in it. I feel that learning all of this is going to be very helpful when getting confirmed.
What does following Jesus mean to me? Being a disciple of Jesus is a huge responsibility but is the best thing in the world. You have to be following things like the Ten Commandments and when he calls you for something. Following the Lord means that he trusts us and wants our help, so let's do that. I live my faith by going church and praying. I follow his rules and listen to what he says, he is always right. Some things I am going to do to keep on the right path is to keep going to church and going on mission trips to help others. I also have a goal to read the whole bible at least once before I’m out of …show more content…

If you listen to the sermons, you might actually learn something. The two pastors in my life make it so fun to actually pay attention and then learn something. All the activities at church help you learn to find your faith. Once you learn and find something it is a great feeling and makes you have a great day. Some things my church can do to make me keep coming is have more fun opportunities to jump on and just keep doing what they are doing. I think most of it is just us making ourselves go to church and hold on to our faith. I also think that Soul Cafe should more things in it like Oreos. I feel like I’m doing something right when I go to church or just read a verse. Most of my friends and family are Christians and I always look up to them, and I guess I just think it is the right thing to do like going to church and believing in Jesus. I encourage everyone to get connected to

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