What Does The Door Symbolize In The Raven

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In the short story “The Raven” written by Edgar Allan Poe, memories and sorrow are explained as an actual entity. The main character is never named; however, the main character is grieving over the death of a lover named Lenore. In the short story “The Raven”, the raven itself is explaining that sorrow will never escape from the life of the main character. Edgar Allan Poe describes in his short story “The Raven”, that even after death strikes in human’s life’s, the pain and agony will continue to follow like a dark and mysterious creature.
Mourning over the death of a loved one can last for days, perhaps for months; however, Edgar Allan Poe explains that for many living beings sorrow can last for an eternity. In the short story “The Raven” written by Edgar Allan Poe, the bird that pesters the main character is mysterious and dark. The raven is a symbol of an ominous entity reminding the character that they would nevermore have their love …show more content…

When you open a door, a human being is accepting someone or something inside willingly. The raven is welcomed by sorrow and death; furthermore, causing a person to feel depressed and slowly dissipate. Leaving a door open from a human’s heart can be subtle; however, whenever you allow depression to linger throughout a human’s life for a long period of time, the feeling defeat will overpower forever.
The setting in the short story “The Raven” is dark and gloomy. The darkness in the story mimics the emotions and situation that the main character is feeling. The main character is alone throughout the story as he is in the actual plot. The raven appears only when the main character of the short story “The Raven” is going through internal conflicts of depression. The evil ominous darkness will nevermore leave the main character alone because he never takes the initiative to change his life after the death of his lover

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