What Does Swag Mean?

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We have all probably heard the slang term swag, and we have all probably heard it referring to certain way of walking, behaving, or even a style that gives the semblance of extreme confidence in oneself. Swag usually suggests something that is cool, trendy or immediately brings one image to our heads, a person wearing a side-ways hat, pants half way down and a loose t-shirt. A clearer definition of the use that we give to this word can be found in contemporary hip-hop songs. “Take 'swag.' As a noun ('Check out my swag, yo / I walk like a ballplayer' -- Jay Z), a verb ('I smash this verse / and I swag and surf'' -- Lil Wayne), an adjective ('I got ya slippin' on my swag juice' -- Eminem), and even as an interjection ('Say hello to falsetto in three, two, swag' -- Justin Bieber)” (Stamper A19(L)) The formal definition found on the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is: “sway; something (as a decoration) hanging in a curve between two points: festoon; a suspended cluster (as of evergreen branches); goods acquired by unlawful means: loot, spoils, profits; a depression in the earth; chiefly Australian: a pack of personal belongings.” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online) What happens to words over time that enables people to change their meanings so radically, and how are different generations that have …show more content…

On many occasions the term has been mentioned in phrases like a bag full of swag, and this makes reference to goods that were stolen such as weapons or jewelry. Swag didn’t use to reference money, but as it evolved over time it included this and other types of criminal assets. Swag has different but similar origins that, combined, might suggest the evolution of the term to this definition of stolen goods. This definition also shows us how swag comes and goes out of fashion, in a sense, as it was later replaced by haul in the 18th century. (Green

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