What Does Santiago Learn From The Alchemist

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The Alchemist: Following your own Journey After reading the book The Alchemist, have you ever asked yourself “what am I supposed to learn from this book?”, or “what is this book trying to tell me about my life?”, well this is what it is. In this Essay I will address how the book, The Alchemist, teaches us these lessons.The novel The Alchemist demonstrates how we have to follow our own journey and to not derail from it when times get tough; it is shown throughout the book whenever Santiago feels another way seems easier or better, but gets reminded of his own goals. Santiago has almost derailed from his journey when he met the love of his life, but in the end, gets reminded of what he is really looking for. In the novel, Fatima stated “Some do come back. And then the other women are happy because they believe that their men may one day return, as well. I used to look at those women and envy them their happiness. Now, I too will be one of those women who wait”(Coelho, pg 101, para. 5). This shows that Santiago wants to stay with Fatima and stop his journey, but when Fatima says that he should follow his personal legend and come back for her later. Santiago goes because inside he truly knows it is the right thing. …show more content…

After he got robbed by the man that said he would go with him to the pyramids, Santiago worked at a crystal shop and was able to earn his money back and more. Santiago felt like staying there or even getting some sheep would be easier than continuing on his journey. This was the last time in the story where Santiago had a chance to go back to his old life, but with the help from a trust friend, he was able to do the right thing. He continued his personal legend because he knew that it was able to overcome the challenge of his personal

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