What Does Religion Mean In 1984

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In George Orwell’s “1984”, we are introduced to a totalitarian government, who monitor their citizens closely. They are ruled by a figure head named Big Brother. Big Brother and the Party engross their citizens into loving them by portraying themselves as a secular religion; through religious thoughts and practices. The party invites their citizens to Rituals, which help model them into a better lover of Big Brother. As well the party has adopted a godlike head; also known as Big Brother. When needed the party is able to help those who are drowning in the sins that they have committed towards Big Brother. Due to this Big Brother and the party are a nightmarish political system, which uses different aspects of religious views such as; Rituals, …show more content…

In 1984 rituals can be seen throughout such as the Two Minute Hate and Public executions. The Two Minute Hate is a type of ritual that brings the anger out of the citizens and towards a specific person. Then afterwards they show their love and happiness towards Big Brother. (Insert Essay Quote Entry) “Two minutes Hate, which celebrates Big Brother’s victory over the satanic Goldstein and culminates in the fervent prayer “Long live Big Brother”” This quote gives us a sense of a ritual which incorporates a good and bad aspect. They host the Two Minute Hate for every citizen to take part in. During this ritual they express their animosity towards a so called “devil”, and their elation toward their godhead. Like in Christianity where there is the devil and god; they embody this in their rituals. They teach their followers to act as per god’s wishes. Thus this brings the followers compassion out through this type of ritual, by allowing them to believe that the party is giving them an opportunity to show their devotion towards their motives and teachings. (Insert Essay Quote Entry) “The Two Minute Hate, the daily ritual of public worship” As seen in many religion, religious practices occur daily and is a way for worshipers to convey their sentiment to their god. In that same way the Two Minute Hate occurs daily, in which all comrades must attend; thus showing their allegiance. A quote which …show more content…

Sin, Penitence, and Redemption refer to the wrong deeds someone has done. They must show regret towards their wrong doings. Only after that they may start to redeem themselves back into society. In 1984 the party uses this same concept in order to help rehabilitate comrades. (Insert Essay Quote Entry) “”Learning, Understanding and Acceptance,” which I suggest is Orwell’s parody of the spiritual journey” Through these three steps which are mirror Sin, Penitence, and Redemption we come to understand that the party is trying to show a “parody of the spiritual journey”; which people take to help them realize that they are on the wrong path. They must first Learn what they did wrong. They must accept that what they did is wrong and that they should feel guilty because of it. Only after learning and understanding they can finally accept it and change their lives around. The party incorporates the illusion of a spiritual journey , in order to establish their teachings into lost comrades.In the book on page 31 an example of Sin and Learning can be seen. “Thoughtcrime does not entail death; thoughtcrime IS death” As Winston writes this line into his diary he starts to realize the crime that he is committing. He knows and understands that by writing in his diary it is guilty for thought crime. Thus he begins to take the first step into following the spiritual journey, by

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