What Does It Mean To Say That Freedom Of Speech Should Be Protected

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Many people say that freedom of speech should be limited due to bad causes. For example, it can cause people to get into trouble, or for different people to have arguments. Although, the first amendment should be protected. Freedom of speech should be protected because it shapes the society and because it allows people to express their opinion on a topic. Freedom of speech should be protected because shapes the society. Free speech gives the world opinions that help form what it has. For example, "America today is undeniably better because previous generations allowed themselves this freedom and used it to transform society"(Ruger,3). Free speech has shaped the great world people live in for generations. Even today the society is giving their opinions on how the world should be. Also, "In a free society, you also have a duty to defend speech to which you may strongly object"(American Bar Assosiation,3). This explains that no matter what is said, a person has the right to object, or say what is on their mind. This helps form the society into beliefs on different topics. …show more content…

When someone expresses their opinion it's what they think should happen. In the article, "Free speech is central to our dignity as humans", the author states, "protecting this right respects the moral dignity of individuals as reasonable beings with their own ideas, beliefs, and values"(Ruger,5). This gives reason why people should have free speech. With free speech, people are allowed to say what is on their mind. Also, "It's way easier to defend someone's right to say something with which you agree"(American Bar assosiation,3). This proves that free speech can help someone agree on a topic or a subject. With free speech agreeing is an easy way to do

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