What Does It Mean To Be Free Essay

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The ideas of freedom, fate and necessity are all integrated in our lives, especially through our actions. As people, our freedom is what gives us the right to make our own decisions, but with freedom can also come consequences if we decide to do something that takes us in the wrong direction. Fate chooses us and we can’t determine what happens, whether it’s who are parents are, what is our ethnicity, whether we are male or female or even when we die. Necessity similar to cause and effect, has to have some reason as to why a particular thing happened. According to Homer in his famous poem the Iliad and Aristotle, we will see how they look at freedom, fate and necessity and how it is incorporated in the actions that we take and how it affects …show more content…

The argument that Aristotle addresses is what makes an action voluntary or involuntary and if an action is done because of ignorance than it is involuntary. Whatever we are responsible for doing based on our actions, that’s who we will become. Aristotle argues that fate has nothing to do with us being responsible for our actions. Which I have to disagree with because fate is something out of our control, there is no way we are going to know what is going to happen. But, the actions that we do, good or bad, we are responsible for them because we did them so we may not know what the consequences may be but we know we will get in trouble for them. An example that I thought of when I was reading this was if someone gets in trouble with the law, the police officer has a choice to arrest you and possibly put you in jail. To me, the police officer’s choice has to do with fate because the person who broke the law has no control over the results of his actions and the police’s actions. He also has this idea of character and that whatever actions we take, that is who we will become in the long run, if someone does something out of ignorance, they will become ignorant. I think your character has a lot to do with the actions you do because when you do something, if it’s moral or immoral, that’s how people are going to view you. Once you become something or act a certain way, it will be hard for you to not be that person. I think virtue is important when it comes to your character because being virtuous allows you to handle situations in a respectful and well-mannered way because you have those moral

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