What Does It Mean To Be Free Essay

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The English novelist and poet Charlotte Brontë said once, ¨I am no bird; and not net ensnares me. I am a free human being with an independent will¨. With this quote, the famous author stated how she was a person that didn´t like to be oppressed or under someone's orders. She was a person that liked and enjoyed liberty. But what´s liberty? Liberty is to be able to do what every individual likes without relying on other peoples, it´s to be free from any form of government, and it´s to be able to be free from yourself, and don't underestimate your power as a person.
First and foremost, when individuals have liberty, they can live a life without worrying to depend on other people. In fact, many women live their whole lives on the shadows of their husbands, and they might do some things they like, but they will never be able to fulfill the dream of being completely free. Living with liberty, it's a way where people don't have to do what the ones around them like. The free individuals are the ones who are able to pursue their dreams, and ideas because they don't have to please others. Liberty is also being able to do what a person wants with its body without taking into account other´s opinions. For …show more content…

People should be able to speak freely without having the fear of being oppressed for their ideas. Living with liberty is living in a place with no dictatorship. Liberty allows people express themselves, without being scared of being incarcerated. For example, in my home country Cuba, citizens are living under a tyranny. Most of the people are scared to speak their minds because when they do, they are at a high risk of going to prison or being beat up. Having liberty from the government is not being afraid to stand up for your believes. Having liberty is living with democracy, and having a voice in

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