What Does Fire Symbolize In Jane Eyre

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“… forced to keep the fire of my nature continually low, to compel it to burn inwardly and never utter a cry, though the imprisoned flame consumed vital after vital- this would be unendurable” (Bronte 472). When considering the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, fire is a key element to the story. Fire is a mighty, powerful, force of nature. Fire burns and destroys, yet it furthermore provides hope and restoration. Due to its slightly ambiguous meaning, fire’s purpose in literature is quite diverse. It may be represented as a literal element or the feelings that resonate deep within a character’s mind. Throughout the course of Jane Eyre’s life, a burning hearth is often times in accompaniment. The symbolism of fire in Bronte’s novel Jane Eyre reflects Jane’s desire for acceptance, love and expression of …show more content…

It is essential to understand the symbolism of fire in literature before exploring the meaning in the case of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Burning fire does not represent one specific idea; rather it can represent many ideas. In reference to Gaston Bachelard’s The Psychoanalysis of Fire, “[fire]… can contradict itself; thus it is one of the principles of universal explanation,” (Bachelard 7). From this statement, it can be concluded that the meaning of fire is not isolated to one interpretation. Fire can be representative of many ideas because it is so contradictory. In numerous works of literature, fire is employed as the element or a state of mind. Commencing, fire can be used as a literal hearth in literature. When a reader considers the word hearth, feelings of safety, warmth, and comfort are evoked. This is due to the fact hearths are typically in homes where a character feels comforted. However, fire can also oppose to

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