What Do Women Want Bergner Analysis

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Today, women and men are defined based on gender, and sex from the time they are born. Gender is defined as the difference between being male or female in society. Sex refers to biological changes such as chromosomes, masculine, and feminine features, base off genetics. According to Bergner, women sexuality is very influential, and often shadowy for one individual to understand. In the United States, society has been content with seeking to explain women’s sexuality, but have not found links biologically dealing with feelings, biology, and women opinion. In “What Do Women Want,” Bergner using existing laboratory experiences, to help us define women’s sexuality. Bergner defines women’s sexuality through interviews, sex, and male fantasies. He …show more content…

In the article Of Genes and Gender, “recent research has established a doubt that males and females are born with a different set of “instructions” built into their genetic code” (Kimmel 27). Over time, there has been a debate between nature vs nurture. Gender is a social construction of sex, and nature is based on biology. Dr. John states that gender identity is started during the first three years of a child’s life. In 1987, West and Zimmerman explained gender as a “recurring accomplishment.” Gender displays are not about sex, but about norms, gender is embedded in our everyday lives. The permissive effect shows that testosterones between male and females do not cause aggression. There is not a big difference unless you are really low, or really high. Aggressive behavior can continue with even no testosterone. Social conditioning can make up for the hormones being lost, society and immediate environment matters. As discussed in class, testosterones are seven to eight times more in men than in women. Women sex drives are more suppressed, based on the cheating gene, men tend to get divorced and cheat after, sometimes cheat sometimes do not, and are very …show more content…

In December 2011, I went to a party with a group of friends, leaving my cell phone in the car. There was a large amount of people at the party both male, and female. During the party, I went to the beverage table and requested for something to drink. After drinking the drink I noticed something was not right. I became drunk within minutes, considering the fact I was only eighteen years old. I walked myself to the bathroom alone, and on my way there a guy approached me asking me if he could talk for a minute, I refused. He pulled me to the side and assisted into going to a private place to talk. My strength compared to his lacked. He was more aggressive than me I became lost and confused. This book has helped me understand why we as females find it hard to explain our sexuality, and the things we have to deal with on an everyday basis. The author uses social science through the book comparing sexuality between animals, monkey and rats, as well as evolutionary science. The author conducts interviews, lab work, and research. I believe the data is somewhat valid during the time period of his writing and results. Gender in this article is set by cultural norms in different religions, which are placed in the bible Eros in the bible states that women take nine times more pleasure from sex. “Thesis of evolutionary psychology that, relative to

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