What Causes Coral Bleaching

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Many theories have been proposed as to what causes coral bleaching and how serious the threat is to coral ecosystems. While literature holds many theories on coral bleaching, the continuing theme for this review is to what extent is coral bleaching a threat to coral reefs around the world and what is the main cause of coral bleaching. This review will explore the coral and algae symbiont relationship, its role in coral bleaching as well as reviewing past bleaching events and exploring potential adaptation solutions. The literature around these topics will be critically reviewed and analysed. Coral is home to many marine tropical and subtropical species, which rely heavily on the resources provided by the reefs - over 4000 species of molluscs …show more content…

The genus Symbiodinium has 8 divergent lineages from clades A to H, with C as most predominant in corals (Stat, Morris, & Gates, 2008). A close endosymbiotic mutualistic association is formed between the zooxanthellae and the host as the zooxanthellae cells of Symbiodinium live within the vacuoles of the coral host cells (Johnson & Marshall, 2007). Approximately 95% of the photosynthetic products that zooxanthellae produce are given to the host coral (Littman, Willis, & Bourne, 2011). Some sources vary on this percentage however reliable sources such as (Bhagooli & Hidaka, 2004), (Littman, Willis, & Bourne, 2011) and (Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999) state that it is a 95% transfer of photosynthetic products to the coral. Coral provide inorganic waste metabolites such as inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus as well as shelter to the zooxanthellae in exchange for organic nutrients such as amino acids and sugars, and this is well supported by all literature reviewed in this section (Stat, Morris, & Gates,

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