What Are The Similarities Between Thousand And One Nights

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Dante’s Inferno and Thousand and One Nights have many similarities that are paralleled in the aspect of religion and morals. They both are represented by two different cultural backgrounds, but the lessons that are revealed are the same. Within the two writings the main topic and lessons to be learned is love and mercy. Thousand and One Nights are represented by the Islamic culture. It has many moral lessons and important spiritual enlightenment. The telling of stories is one way that morals were taught. This is why Scheherazade told many stories unto the king. The story points to the belief in the healing and restoration. Scheherazade uses wisdom by storytelling to deceive the king into thinking differently about killing her. …show more content…

In this writing love is most important and go hand in hand with Christianity. Dante and Virgil travel from the outward circles to the lowest circles of the Inferno. When he encountered the circles he came across seducers, which can be paralleled with the power that a woman has with her soothsaying words. Scheherazade in Thousand and one nights was able to take the king’s mind off of murdering her. Also when Dante meets the two unfaithful lovers, there consequences were gruesome in hell, likewise when the king’s first wife betrayed him she was murdered a gruesome death by him. Dante’s journey shows him the moral truth and the consequences of being disobedient to that truth. Going through Hell, Dante is shown the worst sins and transgressions that defile the truth. Lucifer is placed at the very end of his journey through Hell because he represents ultimate choice of sin and deception. Satan’s punishment is the worst of all the sinners in Hell. He represents evil, and his punishment is the greatest of all the sinners. After going through all the circles of the Inferno, he goes to the Purgatory where he sees those who wait on their help. Dante at the end experiences love, truth, and

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