What Are The Pros And Cons Of Self Driving Persuasive Essay

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Did you know, self-driving cars are the new thing? We have come up with the technology over a few short years to produce these cars. Car companies are trying to convert these vehicles into the only ones on our roads, getting rid of manual cars. Yes, there are some pros or advantages, but the disadvantages are more life threatening. Hence, I believe the self-driving cars should not be on our roads because they are not safe. Most of the cons to driverless cars can be deadly. These cars are made with a computer and a computer can develop glitches and get viruses; a quote from the article states, “it’s annoying when it happens at your desk. But it could be deadly when it happens at 75 miles per hour on the freeway.” Accordingly, it would will be more likely for the computer to glitch as it will be exposed to harsh elements like heat, cold, rain, etc. These glitches would most likely cause a crash and kill you or hurt you. It would not be any different than the chances of human error. These cars could cost people their lives as much as any other car. Thus, self-driving cars are not safe to be on our roads. …show more content…

The driver would not be able to be put to blame as we are not in control; we won't even need licenses. Who will be charged for the medical bills, the damage done to the car? Will they put the car companies to blame? Now I get how driverless cars would give us some free time and would solve some errors humans can make easily. But if we start by trying to solve these errors ourselves, it would be another story; the manual car would be safer than the driverless car if we could accomplish that. Therefore, that's why I believe that self-driving cars don't belong on our

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