What Are The Current Generational Differences In The Workplace

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The Workplace is an ever-changing environment. Nowadays, people work longer and delay their retirements. Managers are facing generational differences in their work forces bringing a lot of benefits as well as negative consequences. There are currently five generations of employees in today’s workforce. Each generation brings their unique style, life stage, priorities, customs, communication preference, interest and ambition.
The first generation are the traditionalist, born before 1945. Fans of conformity and scanty minded, this group age ranges from 70 years old or more. Letter is their communication/media preference. This traditional and mature generation are usually loyal to one employer and have a job for life because they want to be a social outlet and have an income to supplement their retirement. Attracted by consistent rules and schedules, they are motivated by money but also want to be respected. Experiences that were life formative include: WWII, Depression and rationing, nuclear families, few divorces as well as gender roles. …show more content…

Boomers were born from 1946-1964. Their communication preference was the telephone. Baby boomers prefer also monetary rewards but value incentives such as peer recognition and flexible retirement planning. Characterized as workaholics, these competitive generation had access to opportunities that their parents never dreamed of, including political freedom and education. A lot of wisdom and prepared people were born in this era, and that is why there was an intense competition for good jobs. Cold War, Vietnam, moon landing, communal living and Woodstock are some of their formative life

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