What Are The Causes Of Date Rape

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It all started Kali’s junior year of college. Ryan and Kali had a long distance relationship that lasted about four years. They were at different schools and had different lives. As a lot of long distance relationships go they started to grow apart. The actions that occurred after the breakup were not in her favor. Rumors started to circle that Kali had cheated and that was the reason for their breakup. Since most friends were mutual between Ryan and Kali most of them left her actually, everyone of them except Hayden. Hayden would hookup with anyone at anytime which is the reason he didn’t have a good reputation either. Putting Hayden’s reputation aside Kali never thought that he would cross that line with her considering Ryan was his …show more content…

The question that is always asked when it comes to date rape is “Was it consensual?” The difference between consent versus exploitation is often misleading. Consent is permission for something to happen, however exploitation is taking advantage and is also abuse. Consent doesn’t always have to be verbal there are many ways to give consent. You should always communicate while engaging in any sexual activity that way there is no confusion if it was consensual or not. There are many causes of Date Rape. Most rapists believe they deserve sex for a number of reasons. Some believe just because someone isn’t wearing enough clothing that it’s okay to hold them down and force them to have sexual intercourse, they blame the victims saying that it wasn’t their fault that they couldn’t hold their sexual temptations. Some men feel Iams 3 that if they take a woman out or spend some sort of money on them they are entitled to have sex with them. Even if you take a woman out for movies, a meal, or something else it doesn’t mean she owes you …show more content…

Even if a girl is flirting with you it may not mean that she wants to cross that line with you. You can’t hold a girl down and force her to have sex with you just because you think she was being a “tease”. Incapacitation is where you are not in the physical or the mental state of mind to make informed decisions. It is definitely not okay to rape a girl because she’s under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Just because she made the choice to put those substances into her body does not give you the right to take something away from her. Some people believe violence is the only way to resolve issues that they are experiencing. A rapist may punish someone for doing something they feel is wrong to them by forcing them into sexual acts. Violence and rape should never be the cause of punishment. According to the organization RAINN “Every 107 seconds another American is sexually assaulted.” Although women are more likely to get raped then men, there are still cases where it

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