What Are Aroids? What Is Taro?

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What are aroids? What is taro? Aroid, or taro, is the common name for the highly divers members of the Araceae family of plants which consists of over 100 genera and around 3750 species. Several of its family members, such as Anthurium, Caladium, Dieffenbachia and Philodendron, are among the world’s most popular ornamental plants. Plants of the Araceae family belong or are related to the arum family, and although widely known as aroids, if aroids are referred to as food, these are commonly referred to as taro, although taro is a generic Austronesian term for Colocasia, Alocasia and Cyrtosperma taro that is believed to originate in Asia (Kiple et al. 2000; Ramanatha et. al. 2010). According to archaeologists and ethnobotanists ‘Asian’ taro is the world’s oldest known cultivated crop, its domestication and cultivation already occurred when rice and wheat were just weeds (Matthews 1995; Bown 2000; Ivanicic & Lebot 2003; Ramanatha et al. 2010). Together with Colocasia, genera of Xanthosoma taro (L. Xanthosoma spp.) are the most widely grown and consumed aroids. Xanthosoma taro is the only indigenous American aroid that is widely used for food and considered a most important food crop. Furthermore, numerous languages and dialects use a great variety of overlapping, common and uncommon names to describe aroid genera, …show more content…

Prior to the exhibition “Pom on the Menu” (Pom op het Menu) two group discussions about pom were held and attended by approximately eighteen participants. Apart from sound recordings of the group discussions, and from May 21st until August 31st, 2007, the exhibition showed collections of pom recipes, photographs, film screenings, displayed the ingredients and organized a ‘cooking pom’

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