What Are Ancient Greek Inventions Influence Day-To-Day Life?

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The Ancient Greeks have a number of inventions and discoveries accredited to them, a large amount of these inventions have contributed to the modern world and have made many influential changes to today’s society (Kolasa-Sikiaridi, 2016; BBC, n.d.). This paper seeks to answer the question: “How do Ancient Greek inventions influence day-to-day life?” by exploring these inventions and the impact they have on everyday life. A survey was conducted, and secondary research was used, including the “Encyclopedia of Greece and the Hellenic Tradition” and Internet research.

Inventions inside the home:

Many people are unaware of where important inventions people use everyday originate. Watermills, alarm clocks, automatic doors, central heating, crane, maps, showers, vending machines, Olympics, fire extinguishers, odometers, chewing gum are just some of the inventions created by the Ancient Greeks (Kolasa-Sikiaridi, 2016; ‘Series 1, Episode 12’, 2009). A …show more content…

Most established Ancient Greek cities were equipped with aqueducts that moved water from its source into homes and public buildings, this made it easier for people to bathe (Gainsborough Showers, 2013). They also realised that when water is poured over the body, it is much easier to get clean (Greek Boston, n.d.; Bruns, 2012; The Ancient Standard, 2016; Gainsborough Showers, 2013). These two points helped lead to the invention of t he shower. Early Greek showers were very simple and they were largely used in public bathing facilities that the whole population had access to, and they became an important part of these bathhouses. Water was pumped into these facilities through the aqueduct system and then brought into the building through a series of pipes. Some of the pipes were installed higher up, and people would stand under the falling water as they bathed (Greek Boston, n.d.; The Ancient Standard, 2016; Gainsborough Showers,

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