Wesley Influence

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“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 22:6 NIV) Perhaps this scripture sums up the Wesley household and points to where the influence on John and Charles Wesley began. It is commonly stated that individuals are formed by those things that surround them. Susanna and Samuel Wesley enveloped their children in their beliefs.
Samuel, the father of the Wesley boys, came from a family steeped in Christianity. He followed his father’s footsteps and also became clergy. Suzanna, the Wesley children’s mother, was also born into a Christian family. In her teen years she converted back to the Church of England. It is important to note that her father allowed her the freedom to …show more content…

This attribute was inherited by Charles and can be seen in the many hymns he wrote. The influence from family was not isolated to their parents. John and Charles received influence from their older brother Samuel as well. The love of sacraments was likely strengthened from this older brother. All the male children in the family succeed in college which can be traced back to the strict upbringing and requirements that Susanna imposed.
Not only did the Wesley boys receive influence from their family, but community and social aspects also played into the equation. The boys, along with many others, “were influenced by the SPCK.” From this society, other societies were formed. In this newly formed society, there were three things that were at the center of their meetings; prayer “to God; secondly to read the Holy Scriptures” and “thirdly, to deliberate about the edification of our neighbors and the promoting of it.”
The life lessons learned from the “cosmos” that played an intense part of the development of the Wesley boys include “commitment, orthodoxy, spirituality, mission, order and scripture.” Certainly the means of grace shaped not only their family life but their spiritual development as well. The significance of prayer, scripture and spiritual discipline were not only beneficial to the Wesley family, but the influence has spread to millions of

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