Wendy Darling Research Paper

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Wendy Darling changed many times throughout her simple yet very crazy experiences. Her life started out in a London nursery and turned into a complicated life in a London home with her baby, Jane. But when Peter Pan flew in her nursery window, her whole world changed and would be changed forever. Many forces shaped and changed Wendy Darling from a small little girl to the beautiful woman she is at the end of the book. In J.M. Barrie’s wonderful book “Perter Pan” Wendy Darling was shaped and changed by maturity, belief, and environment.

Wendy Darling was a little girl being raised in a London town nursery. She was very spiteful and she had a wild imagination. She told her brothers, John and Michael, stories of Peter Pan and Neverland. She believed in Peter, so when he flew through the nursery window that night and asked her to FLY to Neverland with him, she fully believed that she could fly and she knew she was not dreaming. “Of course she was pleased…she exclaimed rapturously.” (Barrie, 30, Ch.3). She flew away with Peter and they went to Neverland, which brings us to our next force of change. …show more content…

She became the mother of the lost boys and she slept and cared for them in the home under the ground. This is where she changed back and forth. Her environment changed her attitudes. While still in London, She was a very timid young child who was also very spiteful and had a great imagination. “What’s your name…The birds were flown.” (Barrie 23-35). However in Neverland, She became very bold and outgoing, so to speak. “You silly…have snapped.” (Barrie, 101, Ch. 10). But when she went back home at the end of this book, She became very quiet and responsible again. “Hullo Wendy…try to think.” (Barrie, 166-167, Ch. 17). She was very responsible in her actions which came in turn of becoming a mother, which brings the story to the next force of change,

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