Welcome To Honolulu, Hawaii

553 Words2 Pages

Welcome to Honolulu, Hawaii

Are you wondering about, if is there a place like paradise to visit in the world?. Honolulu, in the Island of Oahu, is the best and biggest city of Hawaii to visit to. Honolulu is the capital of Hawaii( more than 75% population of Hawaii lives there). Today I am going to tell you about some of the history of this astonishing place, the wonderful beaches that you have to go there, and some other interesting location for you or the tourists to visit. I hope for you to find it interesting as you keep reading about this amazing city of Hawaii.

The History of Honolulu, Hawaii, is very interesting. The word Honolulu means " shaltred ba" or "peace of shelter" in Hawaiian. This natural harbor was catapulted to importance when the king Kamehameha I conquered Oahu to unite all the Hawaiian Islands to one kingdom called the Kingdom of Hawaii. Honolulu location made this city a very nice place and popular place for the merchant ship to travel for Honolulu Port to North America and Asia in the early 1800. In early 1900s, Hawaii became a State of the United State. T...

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