Weight Lifting Research Paper

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I was introduced to weight lifting at an early age and started lifting weights seriously in the sixth grade. Weightlifting mentally relaxes me and although it sounds crazy, weight lifting calms me and is very therapeutic. Whether my day is happy, stressful or depressing, I find pleasure in the consistency and routine that the weight lifting room provides. When I was around six or seven years of age, I would curiously watch my grandpa bench press at his house. I remember thinking that this sport was very manly and cool looking. My cousin competed in powerlifting and during his visits to my grandpa’s house, I observed him work out with the heavy weights; this almost certainly shaped my interest in the sport. My personal goal is to be as strong as I possibly can be. During my years of weight lifting, I have discovered that this sport is important to personal health, allows positive networking and motivation and also builds my self-confidence.

In life I believe we all should be as fit and healthy as we can. In order for me to trim down my body fat lifting weights has helped in addition to a healthy diet. Lifting weights burns calories while building muscle and having muscles in general burns calories. My metabolism …show more content…

I need motivation and encouragement when I’m approaching heavy weight and my friends are beside me yelling and getting my hyped up to perform my best. Before I got to the gym I like to watch my favorite lifters on the internet to get me motivated and put me in the right place mentally. Lifting with friends who share and have the same desire as myself is such a great experience and becomes more of a brotherhood than a friendship. I haven’t always have had the most self confidence in myself, but being around such inspirational and motivational people have brought out the best in me and have boosted my

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