Weapons In Ww1 Research Paper

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Weapons Used in WWI and Other Technology As a result of the war, many new weapons and pieces of technology were created. Many more pieces of weaponry and technology were adapted, improved upon, until they were modernized decades beyond their original models. The first World War was instrumental in forming warfare as we know it today. Many of the aspects of modern warfare were created during this time period. Weapons Many different types of weapons or weapon improvements were made during the First World War. Both sides had great minds working on their weapons in an effort to give their respective sides an upper hand. One weapon that had a devastating impact was the machine gun. Based upon earlier models in the late 1800’s, the machine gun was now better than ever before. With a fire rate of 450-600 rounds per minute, this was a weapon to be reckoned with. It could easily mow down rows of approaching enemies, making advancements in trenches nearly impossible. Another new weapon was the flamethrower. Although there is some speculation that the flamethrower was used in early china, as well as in the civil war, the first documented example of it …show more content…

Before the war, airplanes were flimsy, lightweight, and slow, most with a top speed of less than 100 miles per hour. After the war, the planes speed had doubled, and they were no longer the flimsy, wooden crafts they once were. Throughout the course of the war, the planes got steadily better. The largest of the war was created by Germany. It was called the “Giant”, and had a wingspan of 138 feet and was powered by four engines. It had a range of 500 miles, and a bomb-load capacity of 4400 pounds. Other than bombing, the main use for planes was in dogfights. Each plane had a mounted machine gun that fired in between the propeller blades, and the goal was to shoot down enemy planes with it. Much of the momentum of the war on the ground was decided by the battles in the

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