We Must Seek the Truth

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"Wisdom [is] the principal thing; [therefore] get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding" -- Proverbs 4: 7

Are you one of the superficial generation? Were you raised watching beauty and perfection streaming from the internet and TV? I know I was.

"So what?", I hear you cry. Well have you ever thought about how it has effected your perceptions. All we've seen are images of handsome, deep voiced good guys triumphing over filthy, ugly, often pathetic, bad guys. Is it any wonder that we associate these things with their real world equivalents. Beauty equals truth and justice. Ugliness equals lies and losing.

I don't think I need to prove the inherent problem with this sort of bias. The point I am trying to make it that despite the fact that our rational selves recognise the inequity of these ingrained beliefs, we continue to go through life without doing anything about it. Which brings me to the point of this argument.

Why do we allow ourselves to choose winners and losers when we are involved in

group discussions. When these discussions are supposed to determine the truth or the optimal course of action or any number of other things. Invariably they become popularity contests with the best looking, most educated, clearly spoken and most passionate person winning the day. What do any of these things have to do with the relative merit of their argument.

When a fool and a genius put forward their opposing cases, shouldn't we determine their validity by making a comparison to what we feel is just or the way we believe the universe works. But no. Since we are in a group, we estimate who is likely to be the victor in this battle and then we picture the result of our taking either side. At this point we must make a choice as to which seems the best outcome for ourselves. Support the charismatic and probably victorious contender or go down with the pathetic loser. Hmm... tough choice.

Can you see how it works. If you care nothing for the best result or the truth then feel free to relax and go about your normal routine. But if you feel as I do, that being on the side of right is more important that being on the winning side, then we need to make some changes.

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