Wayne Joseph By Kaplan Summary

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1/ What is Kaplan’s main point about the concept of race?

I think Kaplan's main point about the concept of race in this essay is that for all individuals, identifying themselves is the most important thing. This means your circumstances like who you are and where are you from, decide and shape yourself. Specifically, Wayne was shaped as growing up as a black man but then, he found out that he isn’t, disturbed apart of him; which as he lived in a lie

2/ This article relies heavily on the story of Wayne Joseph. Explain how his story works-how it helps Kaplan to make a complex point.

Wayne Joseph's story has well supported to the writer's opinion about the concept of race. Also, thanks to using directly a climax of the story, in which Wayne found out he isn't actually a black man, Kaplan created a complex point on "race" and the importance to identify themselves of each individual in their life. …show more content…

What distinction is she making?

As usual, italicised words used for extra weight to important points. In this situation, Kaplan italicizes "being" in order to emphasize Wayne's actual race, he drops African blood and he is not a black man. Besides, in my opinion, the italicized "being" that she deliberately made is distinctive because "being" is often used to affirm something; but in this essay, she used it to negate Wayne's race.

4/ In paragraph 6, Kaplan says that race “has always been a far more visceral matter than a logical one.” How does this statement work in the essay? What kind of distinction does it help readers to

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