Wayne Cordeiro's Leading On Empty

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Leading on Empty Summary In the book Leading on Empty, Wayne Cordeiro, Pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Hawaii, describes his personal struggle with burn-out and depression, which resulted from years of ministering to others while neglecting his own personal well-being. Cordeiro's purpose for writing the book was to help others avoid the same health crisis he endured by the valuable lessons he learned. He offers some insight as to why fatigue happens so regularly and how you can identify and prevent the symptoms of burnout. Cordeiro also discusses his battle with depression, its symptoms and the role it plays in burnout. What I appreciate most about this book is that people from all occupations can relate to Cordeiro’s story. Even volunteers, wives, and mothers, can experience burnout easily. While I am not a pastor and have never reached a crisis like Cordeiro, I have certainly had warning signs in my life that required attention. After years of working in the nursing field, I became a stay-at-home mom for the first time. Something I never …show more content…

He recommends proper diet, exercise, getting eight hours of sleep at night, establishing a daily routine, resting on the Sabbath, and carving out time for renewal as an essential part to a healthy lifestyle. Cordeiro also emphases the value of giving energy and necessary time to his family and following a schedule to give his most productive time to his most significant commitments. In chapter five, Cordeiro talks about focusing on ‘the most important matters.’ He states, “85 percent of what we do, anyone can do, but five percent of what I do, only I can do" (Cordeiro, 2009, p. 78). I found this statement most interesting, as much of what we burn ourselves out doing can be delegated! God only holds us accountable for five percent. Cordeiro says that once we prioritize the five percent, then what to do about the other 95 percent will not be as

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