Water Bender: A Brief Story Of Kelsey's Life

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Water Bender Born of water gods, a Naiad and a Selkie, you would imagine that Kelsey Latvey was somehow connected to the water. Kelsey’s mother, Meridith (a Naiad) and her father Kai (a Selkie) had big aspirations for Kelsey as they were both quite important in their community. They wanted her to be able to bend water, be popular with everyone around her, and make a change in the world. When Kelsey was born, she was born very sick, even though Naiads possessed healing powers. They noticed that she had a white streak in her hair and they thought it strange. Kelsey’s mother and father instantly knew nothing good would come of Kelsey, so they sent her off along with the current at only four days old in hopes that she died and that nobody would notice. Meridith and Kai passed it off as their child being taken. Search parties were sent, but Kelsey was never found. A few days later a poor couple was on a walk along a lake on the coast of Museo Civico in Italy. Stella and Angelo Ricci heard crying around a bend of trees and went to …show more content…

She went into the lake for a swim and suddenly, a tail appeared where her feet had been. She was terrified, so she made sure that no one was looking and dragged herself onto the dry sand of the shore. As soon as she dried off, her feet reappeared, replacing the tail. She didn’t know what was happening to her, so she ran to the library to do some research. She looked for hours on end and suddenly found a book on mythological creatures. Before she could open it, a “gust” of wind from an open window blew the book open and the first picture she saw was of a Selkie. She recognized the tail immediately, for it was the same tail that she had not long before. She knew she must keep this a secret, for she thought that her parents would not love her anymore. What she did not know, was that they already knew about her

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