Review Of Kami Garcia's Beautiful Creatures: Nature Vs. Nurture

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In a small town everything is normal where everything is the same day after day. When a new girl moves into the small town of Gatlin, South Carolina, everything turns upside down. Ethan Wate has been having the same nightmare multiple times and he cant figure out why. In the book Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl, Ethan is only a sophomore in highschool in a very small town. But when he meets the new girl, Lena Duchannes, he begans to think that she is the girl in his dream. I predict what will happen with Ethan and Lena. I will evaluate who the new girl is, and I will also question things about his dream. Ethan Wate is a sophomore in Jackson High School and has been having the same nightmare over and over. “I’ve been having the same nightmare for months now. Even though I couldn’t remember all of it, the part I remembered was always the …show more content…

The song 16 moons started to play again, but now the words had changed. He started having the nightmare and he couldn’t wake himself up from it. “I was back in the dream. I saw her hand. I saw my hand grabbing at hers, my finger digging into her skin, her wrist, in a desperate attempt to hold on. But she was slipping; I could feel it, her fingers pulling through my hand” (Garcia & Stohl 38). The dream had scared Ethan so after class he went to grab his best friend, Link, car keys. They weather had went bad and it was storming, and couldn’t see very far in front of you. He went driving but he didn’t know where he was going. He was driving and almost ran of Lena. He saw her bright green eyes in the down pour. Her car had broke down. They stood in the rain for a while and he smelt lemon and rosemary. Ethan thought that Lena was the girl from his dream. I predict since Ethan thinks Lena is the girl from his dream that something bad will happen between the two of them and it will end terribly

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