Watching A Single Story Essay

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Watching the TED talk about the single story really hit close to home for me. Growing up people made up their own single stories about me and my family numerous times. These experiences are what caused me to hide a big part of my life and where I came from for many years. As I reflect back on the years where I felt ashamed of where I came from, I am disappointed with humanity and I realize now that so many people nowadays lack common respect and compassion towards others. Although I am hurt to have been affected by a single story, I am also thankful for the experience because I was able to grow from it, learn from it, and now I am able to tell my story and honor the experiences that brought me here today. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of a single story is a stereotype given towards a large group of people. These stereotypes are given by those who are judgmental and close minded to the idea of anything other than their own opinions. For as long as I could remember I was always a shy person, I like to refer to myself as an observer. I like to watch my surroundings and engage in …show more content…

As an RA one must always be approachable, observant and acceptant to all residents and the events that have made them who they are as a person. The most important thing to remember as an RA is to never create a single story towards someone or a group of residents based on the media or other influences. Getting to know one’s story is important and being an active listener is what makes an RA that much more approachable to others. Being open-minded to everyone’s stories, their culture and beliefs are essential in this leadership role. An RA has residents who are not only Americans but international as well. And so, instead of creating a single story of residents, creating new programs and creating personal connections with residents are actions that make an RA a successful role model and

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