Was The American Revolution Truly A Revolution?

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The American Revolution was a big part of American history that should have revolutionized the United States but it didn’t because the only thing that changed was the people that was in control of things and nothing else for American people. The American Revolution was a colonial revolt that took place between 1765 and 1783. The American Patriots in the Thirteen Colonies won independence from Great Britain, becoming the United States of America. In this essay, I will argue why the Revolution wasn’t truly a revolution, it simply was just a shift of power from one ruling class to another. Before I jump right in to why the Revolution wasn’t really a revolution, I want to tell you a little more about why the Revolution came about. The reason behind …show more content…

Men from several western counties, many of them Revolutionary war veterans from leading families, violently opposed the high taxes levied by the legislature to pay war debts. It was an ironic turn of events. In the 1760s, the British – looking for ways to pay their debt for the Seven Years War – decided to tax the colonists to increase British revenue. As we know, this led to the American Revolution. In the 1780s, the colonists were now in control of their own government, and – looking for ways to pay their debt from the American revolution and the new republic – settled on taxing the colonists. Colonists in western countries argued that they weren’t represented in the eastern-dominated legislature, and they rebelled. Shays rebellion would end relatively quickly, but what is interesting is that they viewed the new American government in the same light as the old British one. They called it “tyrannical,” and claimed “whenever any encroachments are made either upon the liberties or properties of the people, if redress cannot be had without, it is virtue in them to disturb

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