Walter Younger Greed

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In the play “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry, the character of Walter stands out for his initial greed. Throughout the novel, more of Walter is uncovered when he has to face difficult obstacles and still be a father, a husband, and a son.

Walter Younger is a dreamer who has his head so high in the clouds that the real world seems underwhelming. His ambitious nature makes him seem as if he does not care for many others, although that is not necessarily the case. Everybody in the play has dreams yet Walter is relentless in his attempts to get what he wants. Walter is the man of the house but does not always seem like he is responsible with the power he has.

However, when Walter first tells of his goal, they sound more absurd than ambitious. His initial requests involve that his mother gave him the ten thousand dollar insurance payoff received from his father’s death, but as the play goes a deeper need is made visible. Despite the money and materialistic wants, Walter feels that none of his family has faith in him. This causes him to be rude and lash out at the ones he cares about. He feels that if no one around him believes in him, how can he believe in himself. How can he prove himself worthy if he is never given the chance too? Walter wants control, and he wants to feel like his family thinks he …show more content…

His mind is set on providing for his family, and that he does. He has this elaborate plan to invest in a bar that will bring in the big bucks for his family so that they can live a great life. Another word for Walter is definitely caring as well. The main idea of his dream is centered around his family, not himself individually. When he is telling his family why he has this dream he tells his son “…Just tell me where you want to go to school and you’ll go. Just tell me, what it is you want to be – and you’ll be it….Whatever you want to be – Yessir”

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