Hierarchy and Education: An Unavoidable Reality

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Think about hierarchy, a hierarchy is a system which rank people one above the other. In Ho’s article, Wall street has a hierarchy which Harvard and Princeton are at the top and the following are ranked from the rest Ivy League school to other colleges. In Davidson’s article, Duke’s students are on the top of the hierarchy in the I-pod experiment with the easiest access to gain free I-pod. Hierarchy is deeply entrenched but never complicate Davidson’s egalitarian plans because the education equality which Davidson advocate is never exist in the real life. Even though individuals can undergo same education system and study same education content. Egalitarian of education will not happen with different social environment, but hierarchy do. …show more content…

There has been hierarchy all the time in the society. Assume education equality is feasible, hierarchy is a normal and not going to complicate egalitarian of education. According to Ho, “ The culture of smartness is not simply a quality of Wall Street, but a currency, a driving force productive of both profit accumulation and global prowess.” (167) In this case, the culture of smartness serves as a hierarchy pyramid, the brightest people are the ‘ cream of the crop ’ on the top of the pyramid. The most population working place, investment banks in Wall Street, chooses smartest people to fit in it (bank) . This recruiting process is quite normal. Despite a obvious example of hierarchy - Princeton and Harvard are on the top of Ivy League schools. When bankers come from NYC to Princeton to recruit potential employees, bankers ranked students roughly from the most desirable group to the least. Those actions indicate people are living around different forms of hierarchy. Under this situation, individuals are supposed to learn in many ways and devote themselves to society in their own stratum. Davidson mentioned a green-haired girl in her article, “The girl with the green hair has special skills that shows up nowhere on her compulsory EOG state tests (...) and yet she has a special and valued ability that cannot be replaced by a computer program.” As the education in this girl’s classroom is not equal at all, because this girl is not interested in that which is taught. This kind of teaching and imparting knowledge is not a egalitarian of education but a form of false impression and time waste. A hierarchy may take shape automatically from top scored students to lower grade students. However, this girl devote herself into painting which she is good at and can bring happiness to her classmates other than listening classes. She released her potential abilities and play a positive role even she is at the middle or low

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